Discover the transformational experience of walking coaching in the beautiful South Downs

Helping people to get outside, reconnect with themselves and others, and the work they do

I vividly remember the day I decided I wanted to offer walking coaching. I was sitting in my cosy home office speaking with a client online. She had arrived late to the session, having found it difficult to break off from a challenging meeting which had overrun and she was flustered, apologetic and overwhelmed. My first thought was to offer to reschedule, or give her 10 minutes to grab a quick coffee. Instead I asked her what she needed in that moment. 

"There's always someone that needs something from me. I'm sick of being constantly 'on'. I just need a minute to get my head straight..."

I could feel that her energy was so low, with stress having taken its toll during a busy morning of the school run, meetings and emails. My next question popped into my head, straight from my gut.

"How would it feel to step away from the laptop and go outside?"

"A walk in nature walks the soul back home"


Let nature be your inspiration....

The natural world inspires endless metaphors that can help us understand our own lives and the world around us. The changing of seasons can be a great reminder that life is constantly in flux, and that we must learn to adapt to change in order to thrive. 

Similarly, the cycles of growth and decay that we see in nature can teach us about the importance of letting go of old patterns and embracing new ones.

Another way that nature can inspire us is by helping us to feel a sense of connection to something larger than ourselves. 

Ultimately, whether we are looking for inspiration, guidance, or simply a way to connect with ourselves and the world around us, nature has a lot to offer. By taking the time to appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world, we can learn valuable lessons that can help us to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives.

Sometimes, you need to step outside, get some fresh air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be....

Why combine walking with coaching - can't I just have coaching online?

Yes! Of course you can have a coaching session online or face-to-face indoors - many of my clients opt for a combination of different environments for their sessions depending on their mood, availability and the weather! 

Here are some of the advantages that a walking coaching session can offer - I think you'll agree that the benefits make it worth a try: 

What are the health benefits of walking coaching?

^van den Berg EA, Beute F. (REF)

How does it work? 

Join me for a different kind of coaching experience

Here are some of the benefits that you can anticipate:

Join me for an informal, no-obligation chat to discover how walking coaching could help you